Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), founded in 1895, is the oldest and one of the largest banks in Indonesia. Since its inception, BRI has been focused on servicing micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This commitment is reflected by the largest market share of the KUR government program, which is intended to provide credit to micro enterprises at lower interest rates compared to current market rates. BRI has more than 30 million clients and 10,000 operating units. In 2003, BRI became a publicly listed company on the Jakarta Stock Exchange.

As of the end of 2016, BRI has more than 8.6 million micro borrowers with average loan size of $ 1,760

Besides high environmental standards, BRI has developed a program of reforestation and funds various animal conservation projects

Besides high environmental standards, BRI has developed a program of reforestation and funds various animal conservation projects