Help investors to develop impact reports
Classification + Alignment
MainStreet’s Impact Reports cover several asset classes and different types of portfolios.
In particular for the bonds category we classify and collect impact data for each Green, Social and Sustainability bond based on its use of proceeds and on its alignment to the UN SDGs.
Classification based on international standards (e.g. ICMA)
Green Projects Categories
- Renewable Energy
- Energy Efficiency
- Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Sustainable Management of Resources
- Terrestrial and Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation
- Pollution Prevention and Control
- Sustainable Water and Waste Management
- Circular Economy
- Clean Transportation
- Green Buildings
Social Projects Categories
- Access to Essential Services
- Affordable Housing
- Socioeconomic Advancement
- Affordable Basic Infrastructure
- Food Security, Gender Equality
- Healthcare
- Education
- SME Finance
Mapping the use of proceeds of each bond to the UN SDGs

Impact Report of your Portfolio
Transparent data on UN SDGs, Use of Proceeds and Impact Metrics
Contribution to UN SDGs

Use of Proceeds Allocation

Impact Metrics
18 MW
capacity added

Equivalent to 56,250
solar panels
27,920 MWh
of renewable energy

Equivalent to the annual energy usage of 7,756 people
19,268 tonnes
of CO2 avoided

Equivalent to taking 1,511 vehicles off the road
74,288 litres
of water saved

Equivalent to 2,122 daily showers
477,834 kWh
of energy saved

Equivalent to the annual electricity usage of 96 people
13 tonnes
of waste recycled

Equivalent to 2,600 refuse bags
Sample Impact Report